Broadleaf Plantain (Plantago major)

Broadleaf Plantain (Plantago major)

Broadleaf plantain leaves are all basal, forming a low-growing rosette. Broadleaf plantain bears many fibrous roots, from which new plants can occasionally arise. The crown of broadleaf plantain is not woolly or hairy. The leaves have several prominent, parallel veins and may be lightly hairy. The leaf blade is typically three to seven inches long and one to two inches wide, abruptly narrowing where it joins the petiole, which may be as long as the leaves. The margins of the leaves are often wavy. Flowers are borne in dense clusters from about mid-length to the tip of leafless shoots, sometimes reaching 5 to 15 inches tall. Individual flowers are inconspicuous and yellowish-white. Seeds are glossy light to dark brown and about 1/16 inch long. Broadleaf plantain may be confused with buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata)

Structure: Rosette of large oval leaves, lies flat and tends to suffocate grasses, seed stalks 5″ to 10″ long rise from center of rosette

Life Cycle: Perennial – reproduces by seeds

What To Look For: Low-growing rosette of large round, very slightly tapered leaves; seed stalks rise from rosette

Growth Period: June to October